Sunday 16 February 2014

More Human Rights Controversy Surrounding Sochi Olympics
          In Maykop, Russia on Friday February 7th, a prominent community leader was arrested. Asker Sokht who is part of the country's Circassian ethnic minority was arrested while attempting to hold a protest castigating the Sochi Olympics.
          This arrest proves significant to an estimated 800, 000 Circassians. The Circassians once occupied the territory surrounding the northern coast of the Black Sea. The Circassians were removed from the area by murder and deportation in a conflict with the Russian army in the 19th century. The Circassians accuse 19th-century Russia of genocidal actions and dissaprove of their use of the land to hold the Olympics and refusing to acknowledge the Circassian former presence in Sochi.
          The connotation of this arrest and these protests add even more controversy to the 2014 Sochi Olympics, if that were even possible. It seems that these Olympics are doomed to be overshadowed by Russia's political agenda instead of exhibiting great athletic displays, sadly. Nevertheless, it remains an important forum for human rights discussions and has allowed for the confrontation of many injustices. 

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