Thursday 10 April 2014

Tensions Rising Between NATO and Russia

The crisis in Crimea has risen to greater heights because its implications are so much greater than just Crimea. The question of Crimea is not for or against Crimea or Ukraine even, but for or against Russia. 

The crisis has obviously gotten huge amounts of international attention and has continued to grow, attracting the attention of many international organizations such as NATO.

 The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has warned Moscow many times that they need to pull back their troops from the Ukrainian border, otherwise further action would need to be taken. 

As of right now, NATO has suspended all practical military and civilian cooperation with Russia. NATO has also explored the possibility of deploying troops into Eastern Europe permanently. It has become clear just how high tensions are surrounding the situation on a global scale. 

NATO has accused Russia of having some 40,000 troops prepared for combat along the Ukrainian border, stirring up ethnic tensions in Ukraine, and generally not being transparent or peaceful in the exchange. Correspondingly, Russia has accused NATO of keeping a Cold War mentality and perpetuating an old conflict. The Kremlin stated that, “The constant accusations against us by the secretary general convince us that the alliance is trying to use the crisis in Ukraine to rally its ranks in the face of an imaginary external threat to NATO members and to strengthen demand for the alliance... in the 21st century."

Clearly, neither side is at any point to engage in rational discussion so it would appear that the rest of us can only watch and wait for the time being.

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